Discover what your hair really reveals about your health!

The health of our hair can tell us a lot about our general state of health. In fact, excessive hair loss or hairiness can be a sign of poor health. signs of internal imbalances. So it’s important to pay attention to these capillary manifestations to detect any underlying health problems.

In this article, we’ll explore the different hair disorders and what they can reveal about our overall well-being. Find out how interpret the signals your hair sends you and how to take care of your health from the inside out.

Hair can reveal health problems

Hair is often considered to be an indicator of our overall health. Indeed, changes in their appearance or texture can signal underlying problems, such as nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances or even more serious illnesses.

For example, excessive hair loss can be a sign ofan underactive thyroidwhile abnormal hair growth may indicate an underactive thyroid. hormonal problem such as polycystic ovary syndrome. It is therefore essential to consult a health professional in the event of any worrying changes.

The protective role of hair

Hair plays an essential role in protecting the scalp. By absorbing perspiration, it helps to regulate body temperature and prevent skin irritation.

In addition, by forming a physical barrier against external elements such as sun, wind or dust, hair protects the delicate skin of the scalp from external aggressions. Maintaining healthy, well-cared-for hair therefore contributes not only to a beautiful appearance, but also to the overall health of the scalp.

The different phases of hair growth

The hair growth is divided into three phases phases:

  1. the anagen phase: hair is actively growing, which can last from two to seven years
  2. the catagen phase: a transition period lasting around two weeks
  3. the telogen phase: where they rest for about three months before falling out naturally.
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These phases can be disrupted by internal factors such as stress, anxiety or hormonal imbalances, or external factors such as poor diet or aggressive hair care productsleading to hair health problems such as baldness and hirsutism.

The importance of a holistic approach to hair health

Hair is also sensitive to environmental changessuch as air pollution, excessive exposure to sunlight or frequent use of aggressive chemicals.

These external factors can weaken hair structureleading to problems such as dryness, breakage or tarnishing color.

It is therefore recommended to adopt adapted hair care practices to preserve the health and beauty of your hair. This includes using natural, gentle products, maintaining a balanced, moisturizing diet, and protecting your hair from external aggressors by wearing appropriate head coverings when necessary.

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Lauren Ash
Lauren Ash

Lauren Ash is a versatile author, expert in practical tips, astrology, psychology, well-being and sport. Her writing combines expertise and accessibility to offer readers useful and inspiring advice.

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